Our Subsidiaries
Gabson Engineering Services Limited has four additional companies in support of its Engineering and Fabrication activities. These subsidiaries are stand alone as such render services to organizations in the oil and gas sectors, manufacturing, power, government agencies, marine etc.
Some of the Subsidiaries are:
Gabson Professional School of Safety and Engineering
A world class accredited training institute that trains welding, fitting, Scaffolding, Electricians, Masonry, Plumbing, Crane operators, engineering designs and drawing, NDT technicians, HSE training and alike training.
A world class accredited training institute that trains welding, fitting, Scaffolding, Electricians, Masonry, Plumbing, Crane operators, engineering designs and drawing, NDT technicians, HSE training and alike training.

Gabson Standard Inspection Services Limited
Offers Quality inspection, certification and Testing services to the Oil and gas, Marine, aviation and manufacturing sectors in ensuring quality standard of jobs.
Offers Quality inspection, certification and Testing services to the Oil and gas, Marine, aviation and manufacturing sectors in ensuring quality standard of jobs.